====== Please stop clipping music ====== [12:23 AM] TechnoTony: how does top 40 get music get released where I can hear major clipping?!? [12:23 AM] TechnoTony: like - with analog tape - sure, you had to saturate the tape to try to beat the snr and get more dynamic range [12:24 AM] TechnoTony: but in the age of float32 where you can literally mix and master everything without reducing anything, how doesn't anyone in mastering go "huh these samples are above/below +/- 1, maybe we should tone this down a bit" [12:25 AM] TechnoTony: like, then they upload to YouTube, which drops the volume through normalization \\ but come on - spotify literally tells you the LUFS to hit before they hamper it [12:31 AM] TechnoTony: https://youtu.be/vdQDqcfdtcA?t=48 <-- vocals are getting clipped in the chorus, also in other parts, also bad on Spotify \\ https://youtu.be/rD4YQplTYAk?t=37 <-- bass is clipped on YouTube, fine on Spotify \\ most infamous example is Californication I guess but that's already well known (https://youtu.be/OtXiwSCq99Q?t=188) \\ if I have to pull out my laptop and check if I'm clipping the volume, or if the song is bad in a car... \\ there were 4-5 others but I forgot to note down the metadata [11:17 AM] TechnoTony: Even Michael Jackson isn't immune. https://youtu.be/mWGNEHGhkn4?t=92 \\ "You've been hit by, you've been hit by _CLIPPED DRUM_ _CLIPPED DRUM_ a smooth criminal" [11:19 AM] (redacted): wow that's actually sooo bad 😩 [11:19 AM] (redacted): it sounds so weak [11:19 AM] TechnoTony: though maybe that is an intentional effect? idk feels a bit off TLDR - Come on guys. Even at 16 bit. You have 96 decibels of dynamic range. So if your quietest sound is literally the quietest sound ppl can hear, your loudest can be a jet engine. That's more than plenty for 99% of uses. This ain't analog, there's no need to make your stuff sound worse. At least ReplayGain saves my ears I guess.