====== Main Page ====== **Welcome to Tony Tascioglu's personal knowledge-base and wiki collection!** This site is my public knowledge base for everything including but not limited to Linux, to blog posts, rants, rambles, random reviews, notes and comments. \\ I hope that this is interesting and fun for those curious and interested in computers and technology! If you came here from somewhere else and you're searching for my portfolio/resume site, please visit https://tonytascioglu.com instead. **Table of contents:** * [[about_me|About Me]] * Reviews * {{indexmenu>reviews#3}} * Computing Related/Blog * {{indexmenu>articles#3}} * Linux Scripts and Tricks * {{indexmenu>scripts#3}} * AV and Production * [[av:electricity_power|Electricity and Power]] * [[av:sound|Sound]] * [[av:microphones|Microphones]] * [[av:lighting|Lighting]] * [[work_experience|Work Experience]] * [[uwaterloo|University of Waterloo]] * [[uwaterloo:software_engineering|Software Engineering]] * [[lamoreaux|LAmoreaux Collegiate Institute]] * [[lamoreaux:team_2198_paradigm_shift|Team2198 Paradigm Shift]] * [[lamoreaux:stagecrew|Stage Crew]] * [[lamoreaux:stagecrew:equipment|Equipment List]] * [[lamoreaux:talentshow|Blue and Gold Talent Show]] * [[lamoreaux:stagecrew:lighting_system_blueprints|Lighting System Blueprints]] * [[lamoreaux:stagecrew:cafeteria_amplifier|Cafeteria Amplifier]] (Video) * [[lamoreaux:stagecrew:cafeteria_pa_box|Cafeteria PA Box]] (Video) * [[lamoreaux:stagecrew:etc_express_24_48|ETC Express 24/48 Controller]] (Video) * [[lamoreaux:stagecrew:etc_dimmer_rack|ETC Dimmer Rack Tutorial]] * [[lamoreaux:stagecrew:sound_cart|Sound Card]] * [[lamoreaux:radiolam|Radio L'Am]] * [[lamoreaux:radiolam:multicom_2000|Bogen Multicom 2000]] * [[lamoreaux:radiolam:connect_radio_l_am_to_classrooms|Connect Radio LAm to Classrooms]] * [[lamoreaux:radiolam:phone_number_list|Phone Number List]] * [[macmillan|Sir Ernest Macmillan SPS]] * [[macmillan:macmillan_production_crew|Macmillan Production Crew]] * [[turkish_society_of_canada|Turkish Society of Canada]] * [[videos|YouTube Videos]] (Work in progress) * Random Projects (Old) * [[projects:omni_mote|OmniMote]] * [[projects:christmas_light_show|Christmas Light Show]] 2015 * [[stuff_watch_listen|Stuff I Watch and Listen To]] * [[privacy_security|Security and Privacy]] Disclaimer: Any opinions or views represented are my own and don't necessarily reflect the views and opinions of my employers. Disclaimer: The information on this site is provided as-is for educational purposes only. Please don't do anything irresponsible with what you may learn here. I take no responsibility for your actions. If you want to follow this like a blog as I update changes, see the recent changes page! **History** This is over the 5th major revision for this site. The old wiki is now offline. mw.tonytascioglu.com is now down. It was fun while it lasted, but all information has since been transferred here. If you still need anything from the old site, send me an email. You can go back on technotony.info with Wayback machine for cringe. I've also had YouTube videos since 2013, though I've taken many of the ones down. NOTICE: If you are still browsing this site via https://technotony.info of https://techytony.com, please update your bookmarks! Either of those domains may stop working at any time. If you find any dead links that have yet to be updated, please email me. Similarly, this site //should// be mostly JS-free (or at least functional without it)! If you have any compatibility issues, please reach out. All pages are also available as PDF documents, should it work better (eg: with screen readers). This site (including discussions) has been tested to work in elinks, lynx and w3m if you are on a slow connection. ==== Discussion ==== While I'm happy to receive and read all emails sent to my inbox, this site is something I maintain purely for fun because I enjoy it. As such, I might not be able to help with super specific cases, as I've only explored this stuff in my free time and am by no means an expert! If you do want to discuss anything posted here or if you've found a mistake or have questions, you can reach out via email at wiki (at) tonytascioglu (dot) com. Alternatively, you can always ping me on Mastodon @technotony@techhub.social or Matrix @technotony:matrix.org or IRC @technotony on libera.chat to have a more informal conversation (email is typically faster though). ~~DISCUSSION:off~~