====== Mount SMB and NFS shares for a NAS with the fstab ====== Note: decide if you want a soft or hard mount. I have not included it in the below version, but it makes a big difference. I use soft mounts for NAS mounts to avoid the case where my server is offline or I change networks just hanging applications indefinitely. [[https://serverfault.com/questions/9499/what-are-the-advantages-disadvantages-of-hard-versus-soft-mounts-in-unix|ServerFault thread]] ==== NFS mounts ==== 192.168.x.y:sharename /media/yourfolder nfs defaults,nofail 0 0 explanation: ip address, mount point, filesystem, options, order. nofail makes it so the boot can continue even if the mounting fails. This is useful on a laptop and you may not always be connected to your network. ==== SMB/CIFS mounts ==== //192.168.x.y/sharename /media/yourfolder cifs auto,nofail,username=user,password=pass,domain=yourdomain,uid=1000,gid=1000 0 0 explanation: smb can have authentication using username and password and domain, they are optional based on if you set up authenticaiton. Without username/password, it will try onnecting as guest. UID and GID are needed so your computer knows who to assign permissions in the mount folder to. Unlike NFS, SMB doesn't report on the file permissions, so if you don't give a uid and gid, you may be stuck and unable to edit files.