Some great tools for web or internet stuff I like.
Mirror all the files off of a website, with the full folder structure
wget -m -p -E -k -K -np
On Windows, you can save links to websites. In Linux, Ctrl+S and drag/drop just save the HTML.
Well, turns out you can make .desktop files to just link to websites. Here's the jankjank script to easily make desktop files.
echo "[Desktop Entry]" >> "$1.desktop" echo "Encoding=UTF-8" >> "$1.desktop" echo "Name=$1" >> "$1.desktop" echo "Type=Link" >> "$1.desktop" echo URL="$2" >> "$1.desktop" echo "Icon=text-html" >> "$1.desktop"
Parameter 1 is the name of the shortcut and file, parameter 2 is the actual URL. Change icon and other params as you see fit.
Save as a bash function or as a script. Usage:
bash "TonyWiki" ""