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index [2022-12-06 01:44] Tonyindex [2025-03-11 02:25] (current) Tony
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 +====== Main Page ======
 +**Welcome to Tony Tascioglu's personal knowledge-base and wiki collection!**
 +This site is my public knowledge base for everything including but not limited to Linux, to blog posts, rants, rambles, random reviews, notes and comments. \\
 +I hope that this is interesting and fun for those curious and interested in computers and technology!
 +If you came here from somewhere else and you're searching for my portfolio/resume site, please visit instead.
 +**Table of contents:** //Note: there is a bug i need to fix where the ToC is missing some pages - use the sitemap if it's not here!//
 +  * [[about_me|About Me]]
 +  * Reviews
 +    * {{indexmenu>reviews#3}}
 +  * Computing Related/Blog
 +    * {{indexmenu>articles#3}}
 +  * Linux Scripts and Tricks
 +    * {{indexmenu>scripts#3}}
 +  * AV and Production
 +    * {{indexmenu>av#3}}
 +  * [[work_experience|Work Experience]]
 +  * [[uwaterloo|University of Waterloo]]
 +    * {{indexmenu>uwaterloo#3}}
 +  * [[lamoreaux|LAmoreaux Collegiate Institute]]
 +    * {{indexmenu>lamoreaux#3}}
 +  * [[macmillan|Sir Ernest Macmillan SPS]]
 +    * {{indexmenu>macmillan#3}}
 +  * [[turkish_society_of_canada|Turkish Society of Canada]]
 +    * {{indexmenu>turkish_society_of_canada#3}}
 +  * [[videos|YouTube Videos]] (Work in progress)
 +  * Random Projects (Old)
 +    * [[projects:omni_mote|OmniMote]]
 +    * [[projects:christmas_light_show|Christmas Light Show]] 2015
 +  * [[stuff_watch_listen|Stuff I Watch and Listen To]]
 +  * [[privacy_security|Security and Privacy]]
 +<wrap em>Disclaimer: Any opinions or views represented are my own and don't necessarily reflect the views and opinions of my employers.</wrap>
 +<wrap em>Disclaimer: The information on this site is provided as-is for educational purposes only. Please don't do anything irresponsible with what you may learn here.
 +I take no responsibility for your actions.
 +If you want to follow this like a blog as I update changes, see the recent changes page!
 +This is over the 5th major revision for this site. The old wiki is now offline.
 +<wrap lo> is now down. It was fun while it lasted, but all information has since been transferred here. If you still need anything from the old site, send me an email. </wrap>
 +You can go back on with Wayback machine for cringe. I've also had YouTube videos since 2013, though I've taken many of the ones down.
 +<wrap em>
 +NOTICE: If you are still browsing this site via of, please update your bookmarks!
 +Either of those domains may stop working at any time. If you find any dead links that have yet to be updated, please email me.
 +Similarly, this site //should// be mostly JS-free (or at least functional without it)! If you have any compatibility issues, please reach out. All pages are also available as PDF documents, should it work better (eg: with screen readers). This site (including discussions) has been tested to work in elinks, lynx and w3m if you are on a slow connection.
 +==== Discussion ====
 +While I'm happy to receive and read all emails sent to my inbox, this site is something I maintain purely for fun because I enjoy it. As such, I might not be able to help with super specific cases, as I've only explored this stuff in my free time and am by no means an expert!
 +If you do want to discuss anything posted here or if you've found a mistake or have questions, you can reach out via email at wiki (at) tonytascioglu (dot) com.
 +Alternatively, you can always ping me on Mastodon or Matrix or IRC @technotony on to have a more informal conversation (email is typically faster though).